AICS SEDE DI MAPUTO sta selezionando un/a Manager VaMoz Digital da inserire nella sua operatività in Mozambico. Durata 12 mesi. Tipo contratto: Tempo det. Scadenza candidature 19/02/2025
The Manager (international long-term key expert) provides support to the AICS Regional Representative with regards to the implementation of the Programme (or Action), and reports to him/her. In particular, the Manager shall:
- Provide programme management support to the AICS Regional Representative and liaise with the EU Delegation, AICS Rome, Mozambican counterparts, and international partners and stakeholders at policy level;
- Coordinate partners and stakeholders’ relationships, including liaison with the EU Delegation/Headquarters, joint programming with ITU, and support to Programme Governing Bodies and the concerned Mozambican stakeholders at central and local level (e.g. Ministries and local authorities);
- Lead the interaction between the programme management team and (i) implementing partners/service providers, with regards to programmatic and security matters; (ii) Mozambican central and local authorities to expedite operations (e.g., approval/clearance); and (iii) AICS (HQ and Maputo level) with VAMOZ DIGITAL! – Digital Competences, Entrepreneurship and Services as Opportunities for Youth Growth in Mozambique NDICI AFRICA/2023/442-998 5 regard to administrative, procurement, legal, and financial compliance;
- Provide technical advice to, and oversee the definition and implementation the Operational Plan of the activities to be carried out by VaMoz Digital! grantees, based on the provisions of Annex I “Description of the Action” of the Contribution Agreement – including: correct implementation of financial and procurement processes, programme operation and monitoring, implementation of outsourced services, progress/interim reporting, relevant follow up action, and payment requests – under the supervision of the AICS Regional Representative, and in close collaboration with the other team members, particularly with the Administrative and Financial Expert;
- Coordinate or perform programme management team operations, including (i) monitoring field visits; ii) technical reporting (e.g. six-monthly Information Memo, Annual reports and final reports to be presented to the EU Delegation), in close cooperation with the Administrative and Financial Expert for the financial part, (iii) preparation of Action related documents and contracts, as well as various terms of reference comprising those related to the selection of the other technical staff, and the calls for grant awards;
- Coordinate external technical assistance activities (e.g., capacity building, institutional development), and provide technical inputs during evaluation missions by external evaluators and by the Commission;
- Manage, in close collaboration with the Administrative and Financial Expert, the correct execution of the budget of the Action in accordance with the directions by the AICS Regional Representative, as well as provide assistance during audit procedures; h. In full compliance with the indications and requests of collaboration by EU Delegation about visibility, promote communication and information activities, and assist the EU Delegation and AICS Regional Representative in media relations, and in organising launch/closure seminars related to the Action and the visits by the EU Delegation and other institutions, in order to facilitate the dissemination of good practice in relation to other projects managed by other Donors and/or the EU Delegation;
- Perform any other relevant activities as required by the AICS VAMOZ DIGITAL! – Digital Competences, Entrepreneurship and Services as Opportunities for Youth Growth in Mozambique NDICI AFRICA/2023/442-998 6 Regional Representative, also with reference to other countries within the office’s area of responsibility.