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NEWS – Anteprima bando EuropeAid “Strengthened Governance Approaches for Food Security: “Participation for Governance”

Si tratta di un nuovo bando nel filone Food Security della UE con un focus sulla governance della sicurezza alimentare. Le azioni che saranno eleggibili mirano a rinforzare o creare associazioni di produttori e loro network anche a livello regionale e internazionale.

Il bando coprirà tutti i paesi e saranno possibili azioni multy-country. E’ previsto un co-finanziamento UE di massimo 80%. Il budget a disposizione sarà di 20 milioni. L’uscita del bando è prevista per il 15 Ottobre prossimo.

Objectives of the programme, priorities for 2011 and expected results
In order to make progress on the EU’s commitment towards achieving MDG1, eradicating extreme poverty and hunger by 2015, it is crucial to increase the participation and engagement of various actors of civil society in policy dialogue at national, regional and international levels.
The second strategic priority of the revised FSTP strategy for the period 2011-2013[1] is aimed at “strengthening governance approaches for food security”. This call for proposal will address the sub-priority “participation for governance“, focussing on its fourth expected result: “producers’ organisations and their regional/continental platforms and civil society are participating more effectively in decision-making processes related to food security“.
The specific objective will be to strengthen the capacities of specific groups (farmers’ organisations, pastoralists’ organisations, fishers’ and aquaculture farmers’ organisations) to participate in policy-making, having an impact on food security and nutrition.
Eligibility of the action
This call for proposals will support actions targeting the three groups (farmers’ organisations, pastoralists’ organisations, fishers’ and aquaculture farmers’ organisations) both separately and together in order to provide ample space for the specific needs of each group. Actions must take place at the regional, continental, or global level across several (at least 3) developing countries eligible under this programme. If duly justified, certain project activities, notably in view of transnational exchanges and for networking/coordination purposes, may take place in countries that are not eligible under this programme.
The following activities will be considered for support:
o   The setting up or the reinforcement of networks (or platforms) of farmers’ organisations, pastoralists’ organisations, fishers’ and aquaculture farmers’ organisations at regional, continental or global level, improving their information management, their capacities of strategic thinking, their communication and also the quality of support services to their member organisations.
o   Activities aiming at gaining practical experiences, including with tangible projects for farmers’ organisations, pastoralist’s organisations, fishers’ and aquaculture farmers’ organisations in order to reinforce their capacities to network and to engage in effective dialogue with public authorities and development partners.

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  1. purtroppo i documenti esistenti ad oggi non ci danno informazioni in merito…ma osservando i precedenti, seppur diversi, ci sono buone probabilità che si tratti di una call con concept note.

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