Job title | Deadline |
Support Services Manager | Ukraine Danish Refugee Council 2025-03-02
RDC - GRANTS MANAGER (F/H) - BANGUI | Central African Republic Solidarités International 2025-05-12
Intern, Workforce Nutrition | Netherlands Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition 2025-02-25
Head of Philanthropic Partnerships & Influencing | ADD International 2025-02-27
Inclusive Education Project Manager | Cambodia Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion 2025-02-23
Partnerships and Delivery Manager – Early Recovery | Syrian Arab Republic Adam Smith International 2025-02-20
Inclusive Education Project Officer | Cambodia Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion 2025-02-23
Inclusive Education Technical Officer | Cambodia Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion 2025-02-23
Programme Director - South Sudan | South Sudan GOAL 2025-02-18
MESPT-GEAP-01-2025 - Consultancy for Preparation BQs & managing of the works & issuance of practical completion certificates | Kenya Micro Enterprises Support Programme Trust 2025-02-16
Child Protection Technical Advisor, Ukraine Response | Ukraine Save the Children 2025-02-28
UN Public Order Officer | Italy United Nations 2025-02-25
PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT OFFICER | Italy United Nations 2025-02-21
SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT | Italy United Nations 2025-02-14
CHIEF OF UNIT, AVIATION SAFETY | Italy United Nations 2025-03-06
TRANSPORT OFFICER | Italy United Nations 2025-03-06
Executive Director Francophone Africa | Solar Panda 2025-02-28
Finance Officer NOA, Antananarivo Madagascar | Madagascar World Food Programme 2025-02-24
Consultant, Project "Study on Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) Reform – Introducing Safeguards in Modern Investment Agreements" | Australia Cambodia Indonesia Lao People's Democratic Republic (the) Malaysia New Zealand Philippines Singapore Thailand Timor-Leste Viet Nam Tetra Tech 2025-03-02
Training Consultancy for Development of Decodable Readers (ToR) MTB-MLE Capacity Development | Thailand Save the Children 2025-02-17
Project Officer - Citizenship and Political Participation | United Republic of Tanzania Sightsavers 2025-02-21
Global Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Lead | Kenya One Acre Fund 2025-05-07
Global Purchasing Data Senior Supervisor | Kenya One Acre Fund 2025-05-07
VP Philanthropy & Resource Mobilization | Singapore Fred Hollows Foundation 2025-03-04
Project Assistant (EU-FSM SEAM Project) | Micronesia (Federated States of) Pacific Community 2025-02-23
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Expert | Iraq Human Relief Foundation 2025-02-24
Co-team leader with national expertise | Iraq Human Relief Foundation 2025-02-24
UK-Med Register: Theatre Nurse | UK-Med 2025-12-31
Team Leader | Iraq Human Relief Foundation 2025-02-24
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Consultant | Iraq Human Relief Foundation 2025-02-24
Human Resources Officer (Washington D.C.) | United States of America Center for Civilians in Conflict 2025-02-24
Director of Advisory Services | Center for Disaster Philanthropy 2025-02-28
Managing Director | Guinea Integrate Health 2025-03-10
Consultancy for a Photo Exhibition in Brussels | Belgium HIAS 2025-02-28
RFP for Production House for GAVI Chatbot | India Girl Effect 2025-02-14
Third-Party Monitoring and Evaluation Project Manager (Preferably Syria) - مدير مشاريع مراقبة و تقييم (يفضل في سوريا) | Solutions CRM 2025-02-25
Monitoring and Evaluation Officer | South Africa Colleges and Institutes Canada 2025-02-21
Regional Representative - Africa | Adeso 2025-03-04
UKRAINE - MEAL COORDINATOR (F/M) - KYIV | Ukraine Solidarités International 2025-03-09
TCHAMEROUN - Chargé reporting et communication (RCO) - Yaoundé | Cameroon Solidarités International 2025-05-11
TCHAD-CAMEROUN - COORDINATEUR.TRICE LOGISITIQUE (M/F) - YAOUNDE | Cameroon Solidarités International 2025-05-11
UKRAINE - GRANTS COORDINATOR (M/F) - KYIV | Ukraine Solidarités International 2025-03-09
RDC - Coordinateur.trice EHA (H/F) - GOMA | Democratic Republic of the Congo Solidarités International 2025-05-11
Gerente de protección (Guasdualito) | Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Danish Refugee Council 2025-03-03
Digital Fundraising Strategist | Egypt Jordan Morocco Tunisia Greenpeace 2025-02-21
Country Director (Togo & Benin) | Benin Center for Civilians in Conflict 2025-02-24
WASH Officer | occupied Palestinian territory Project HOPE 2025-03-31
Country Director (Sudan) | Kenya Center for Civilians in Conflict 2025-02-24
National Public Participation and Stakeholder Engagement Expert on Project Implementation in Kragujevac, Serbia | Serbia UN Human Settlements Program 2025-02-20
Immunization Expert - Angola | Angola SoCha LLC 2025-02-25
UK-Med Register - Medical Doctor - Anaesthesia & Intensive Care | UK-Med 2025-12-31
National Transport Planning Expert on Project Implementation in Kragujevac, Serbia | Serbia UN Human Settlements Program 2025-02-20
UK-Med Register: Operating Department Practitioner | UK-Med 2025-12-31
Head of Programme – Juba, South Sudan (International) | South Sudan Geneva Call 2025-02-24
Tender Request: Researcher on the Legal Framework for Media Work in Syria//طلب مناقصة: باحث/ـة في الإطار القانوني الناظم للعمل الإعلامي في سوريا | Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression 2025-02-20
Project Delegate Urban Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) (m/f/d), Madagascar | Madagascar German Red Cross 2025-02-25
UK-Med Register: Trauma Surgeon | UK-Med 2025-12-31
PSS for PTSD Survivors, Victims and their Families//خدمات الدعم النفسي والاجتماعي للناجين من اضطراب ما بعد الصدمة و الضحايا وأسرهم. | Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression 2025-02-20
Project Officer (education / PSS / partnership) | occupied Palestinian territory Right To Play 2025-02-16
Regional Campaigner the Americas & Europe / Youth mobilisation | Brazil Netherlands ActionAid 2025-02-24
Social Media and Content Manager | Kenya South Africa ActionAid 2025-02-24
Head of Country Engagement & Regional Coordination - Africa | Kenya South Africa ActionAid 2025-02-24
Media Manager | Syrian Arab Republic Türkiye Independent Doctors Association 2025-02-19
Regional Campaigner ASIA - Feminist and women's movement mobilisation | Afghanistan Bangladesh Cambodia India Indonesia Myanmar Thailand Viet Nam ActionAid 2025-02-24
Adjoint Référent Technique -CDD 12 mois renouvelable | Madagascar Fondation Mérieux 2025-03-10
Research Technician- CIMMYT (Readvertisement) | Kenya World Agroforestry Centre 2025-02-28
Assistant.e | Belgium Croix-Rouge de Belgique 2025-02-28
RFP-RO01-003691_Consultancy on Market Systems Development (MSD) Technical Support | Kenya Danish Refugee Council 2025-02-18
ToR Situational Analysis of Children in Conflict with the law in Judicial and non- Judicial Procedures Consultancy | Jordan Terre des hommes 2025-02-20
Senior Associate Civil Engineer | Somalia CTG (Committed To Good) 2025-02-21
Electrical Engineer (Retainer) | Somalia CTG (Committed To Good) 2025-02-21
Regional Child Protection Coordinator (National Position) | Jordan Terre des hommes 2025-02-20
Assessing Responsible Business Conduct (RBC) for a Commercial Company and Farmer Organization (FO) | United Republic of Tanzania International Union for Conservation of Nature 2025-02-21
Consultancy for Developing HR Manual for Peace Winds Japan’s Kenya Operation | Kenya Peace Winds Japan 2025-02-20
Protection Specialist (F/M) | Sudan Adventist Development and Relief Agency International 2025-02-24
TB Technical Specialist | Papua New Guinea World Vision 2025-02-21
HIV Technical Specialist | Papua New Guinea World Vision 2025-02-21
Gerente de Protección (Santa Barbara del Zulia) | Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Danish Refugee Council 2025-03-03
Niger - Administrateur Pays | Niger COOPI - Cooperazione Internazionale 2025-03-10