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CEFA – Livelihood Project Coordinator – Kenya

CEFA sta selezionando un/a Livelihood Project Coordinator da inserire nella sua operatività in Kenya. Durata 5 mesi. Scadenza candidature 30/11/2019

Livelihood Project Coordinator – Kenya

Starting date: December 2019/January 2020 (subject to funds availability)

Contract duration: up to 30/05/2020

Duty station: Kapenguria, West Pokot Kenya 50%; Nairobi, Kenya 50%.

Report to: Regional Coordinator

CEFA – the European Committee for Training and Agriculture (Comitato Europeo per la Formazione e l’Agricoltura) is an Italian NGO, which was established in 1972 and is currently active in 10 countries across Africa, Latin America and Europe. CEFA lays its foundation on the principles of solidarity and cooperation between the different regions of the world in the name of Justice, Human rights and peace. CEFA believes in the development of communities and local institutions, aiming to improve families’ living conditions and communities’ economies through capacity building, awareness raising and advocacy for the protection of vulnerable person’s and their fundamental human rights.

CEFA has been working in Kenya since 1992 in Meru, Homa Bay and Kitui County, with actions mainly focused on:

  • Food Security, livelihood and resilience
  • Rehabilitation of irrigation infrastructures and canals
  • Training on good agricultural practices, drought-tolerant crops, honey value chain
  • Market research and pre-feasibility studies
  • Fostering links to the market through public-private partnerships
  • Support of input suppliers and market
  • Introduction and adoption of alternative grain storage systems
  • Emergency interventions through cash for work, vouchers/seed distribution

 Objectives and general characteristics of the position:

CEFA is part of a consortium that has been recently awarded a 4 years project in West Pokot by the European Union. The main focus of CEFA intervention is: canal schemes construction; honey and mango production; establishment of tree nurseries; horticulture; Group Saving and Loans.

The livelihood project coordinator:

  • (S)he is in charge of the start-up of CEFA led component of the project Support to Resilience for Sustainable Livelihoods and the implementation of related activities.
  • (S)he is responsible for the overall supervision of administrative and financial aspects, logistic, security, Human Resources, quality Control of CEFA component of the project.

Detailed assignments: 

(S)he is directly in charge of the start up of the EU funded project in West Pokot included (and not limited to) the following main tasks:

  • Setup of the office/GH in Kapenguria and all the logistic arrangements related to the opening of a new office;
  • Provision of high level liaison and coordination services with the other NGOs that make up the consortium (including drafting of project MoU) and other relevant stakeholders, such as local authorities, and representation of CEFA in key meetings
  • Predisposition of work plans, M&E plans and tools, financial forecast plan and regular reporting according to requirements of the donor and CEFA
  • Recruitment and coordination of the main project staff (including drafting of ToR)
  • Recruitment of Consultants for the preliminary studies and baseline (including drafting of ToR)
  • Supervision and coordination of preliminary studies and baselines for the component under the responsibility of CEFA and liaise with the other consortium members to ensure integration and consistency with the other components;
  • Provide technical support and guidance in the field of food security and livelihood to all the consortium members;
  • Management of the project budget and the fund requests to Nairobi Regional Office and/or HQ, administrative and financial management of the project and collection of the necessary documentation for the financial report;
  • Procurement of goods, services and constructions according to CEFA and Donor procedures with the support of the Procurement Officer and Regional Administrator
  • Information to the RC of any change/problem about the project, that may compromise the observance of the contractual bonds and/or the staff management and/or the presence and the good name of CEFA in the area/country;
  • The availability to perform any other task assigned by the Regional Coordinator in line with the profile.

Required Experience:

  • Degree in Agriculture, Environmental Science, Development Studies or other relevant fields;
  • At least 3 years of experience in project management in an NGO in humanitarian or development context;
  • Proficiency in English is mandatory;
  • Experience in managing project funded by the EU is an asset;

Possession of documents to legally reside in Kenya is preferable.

To apply please send your CV and cover letter, along with three (3) referees to the following email address with the subject: NAME- Livelihood Coordinator West Pokot, by 30th November 2019. Only shortlisted candidate will be contacted.

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