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WeWorld – Country Logistics Manager – Libia/Tunisia

WeWorld sta selezionando un/a Country Logistics Manager da inserire nella sua operatività in Tunisia. Durata 6 mesi. Scadenza candidature 07/07/2021

Country Logistics Manager – Libia/Tunisia

Location: Tunis with potential movements in Libya & Tunisia

Type of contract: 6 months renewable

Deadline: 07/07/2021

Starting date: Beginning of August 2021 with 2 weeks handover

Gross Salary: to be defined according to the candidate’s profile


WeWorld-GVC, recently constituted from the merger of two NGOs, is an Italian secular and independent organization working since 1971 in international cooperation and humanitarian aid. Present in 29 countries with 128 projects, WeWorld-GVC operates in the following areas of assistance: human rights (gender equality, prevention and combating violence against children and women, migration), humanitarian aid (prevention, emergency relief and rehabilitation), food security, access to water, health and hygiene, education, global citizenship education, quality teaching and international volunteering. WeWorld-GVC works mostly with girls, boys, women and youth, actors of change in every community for a fairer and more inclusive world. Supports people overcoming emergencies and guarantees a life with dignity, opportunities and a better future through human and economic development programs, in the framework of the 2030 Agenda. Joining the WeWorld-GVC team means being part of the development of a dynamic organization where the contribution of each staff member is promoted and valued, working together towards the collective achievement of shared goals and vision.  At present, the main donors are Italy (AICS), the EU (DG ECHO), UNICEF, OCHA, and Belgium (DGD).

Working context:

WeWorld-GVC in Libya

WeWorld-GVC has been operating in Libya since 2018 through the implementation of the following intervention sectors:

Humanitarian Aid for host, displaced, migrant and refugee populations through projects promoting access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), primary health, etc.
Capacity building of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)
Promoting respect for Human Rights, in connection with the field of humanitarian protection

In Libya, WeWorld-GVC has its main office in Tripoli and a field office in Sebha (Fezzan region).

Provisional annual budget 2021: 3,200 M EUR.

The main donors are EU Trust fund for Africa, AICS, CERF.

Libya National team: 14 staff

Libya team in Tunis office: 8 staff

WeWorld-GVC in Tunisia

WeWorld-GVC has been operating in Tunisia since 2012 through the implementation of the following intervention sectors:

Socio-economic and rural development
Human rights
Good local governance and community driven development
Prevention of violent extremism (PVE)
Mainstreaming sectors: Strengthening civil society & Gender equity

In Tunisia, WeWorld-GVC has a main office in Tunis and a field office in Sidi Bouzid.

The main donors are the Italian Interior Ministry, the Italian Cooperation AICS, and Italian provinces.

Provisional annual budget 2021: 700,000 EUR.

Tunisia Local team: 5

Tunisia Expat team: 2 dedicated to Tunisia & 4 expatriates working for both Tunisia & Libya missions

Job description

WeWorld-GVC is recruiting a Country Logistics Manager for Libya & Tunisia based in Tunis. She/He works under the direct responsibility of the Country Representative and under the technical management of the HQ Procurement Manager.

She/He has under her/his direct responsibility one Logistics officer based in Tripoli (Libya) and shared management for one logistics and administrative officer in Sebha (South Libya) and one in Tunis office.

She/He works in coordination with: the Finance and Administration Coordinator, the Libyan & Tunisian Programs Coordinators and the Projects Managers. The Country Logistics manager will be responsible for: Logistic Management for both Libya and Tunisia Missions to ensure the efficient functioning of the department including Procurement, Fleet, Premises Management, archiving and reporting to HQ.

Main tasks and responsibilities

General Responsibilities

Ensure the logistics department and its teams are involved and contributing in every step of the supply chain and project cycle to ensure efficiency
Support and build capacity the logistics staff working on the mission
Ensure strict application and respect of WeWorld-GVC and donors procurement procedures and guidelines
Ensure team respects HR and Ethical standards
Visit the other bases on a weekly basis and hold regular meetings with log and program teams to ensure streamlined logistic function
Adapt the Global Manuals to the Country context and create dedicated guidelines for streamline the supply chain activities within the mission


Project planning; including creation of comprehensive procurement plans for each project, liaison with project managers, finance departments and HQ procurement unit on approval and updates of PP
Responsible to directly (or supervise) the launching of Procurement Procedures from Direct Purchase to International Tender Thresholds in accordance to WeWorld-GVC Global Procurement Manual and Donor Guidelines
Support the logistic officer in the drafting of relevant procurement documents
Work with HQ procurement Unit to implement and manage a new supplier database
Writing of Supply, Service, Works and Framework Contracts
Contract Management throughout project cycle including the close follow up on complex Works Contracts
Establish a procurement follow up report to ensure timely processing of procurement orders
Submit monthly procurement report to HQ procurement unit which includes forecasting of all upcoming launches and status updates
Ensure procurement documents and files are archived and organized according to Archiving Guidelines to ensure effective organization and compliance for audits and reviews
Input procurement data for Interim and final procurement reports in accordance to donor needs

Fleet Management

Supervises the optimization the WeWorld-GVC fleet, in accordance with the Fleet Management SOP
Complete and submit monthly Fuel and Fleet Reports to HQ procurement unit
Conduct spot checks of log books in close cooperation with the Log Officers, and report any misuse or damages to Country Representative

Asset/ Equipment Management

Supervise and support the LO to ensure the implementation of a streamlined asset/equipment management system
Supervise and support the LO to ensure all assets/ equipment are correctly coded, logged and followed up in an asset database
Supervise and support the LO to ensure all assets are distributed and returned with signed handover sheets by use and country coordination
Submit monthly asset/ equipment reports to HQ Procurement Unit

Premise Management

Supervise and support the LO to ensure the WeWorld-GVC offices and Guest Houses are well managed to ensure staff safety and comfort
Supervise and support the LO to ensure the office has necessary supplies and equipment and all items are well maintained.
Supervise and support the LO to ensure the right operation and the supply of fuel of the generator

Security Management

Monitoring and evaluating safety and security situations and liaising with the Senior Management Team to coordinate on mitigation measure, and with field team to implement them when necessary
Contribute to the implementation safety & security guidelines, SOP & plans
Support the preparedness (check contingency kits, first aid kits etc.) to evacuation and contingency plans
Control the implementation of mitigation measures and security rules according to the local context
Participating actively to logistics and security coordination as well as information meetings


Qualifications and Knowledge

Master or equivalent in Logistics / Procurement
Deep understanding of the Libyan & Tunisian context
Fluent in English is mandatory

Professional experience

At least 3 years in humanitarian work in Logistics, Security including previous experiences in a similar context
Representation experience with institutions and participation in coordination meetings
Extensive experience in logistics and/or security management and procedures

Personal skills

Leadership, planning, organization and teamwork skills
Proactive and dynamic attitude
Ability to adapt and work under constraint, under pressure and in complex and multicultural contexts
Interpersonal skills and intercultural approach
Good listening and communication skills
Good negotiation and conflict resolution skills
Strong commitment to the Mission of WeWorld-GVC, genuine interest for international cooperation development topics
Demonstrates integrity with regards to NGO values and ethical standards
Displays cultural, gender, religion, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
Treats all people fairly without favouritism


Knowledge of Arabic, French and Italian would be considered an asset
Previous work experiences in Lybia and Tunisia


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