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WEWORLD – Logistics Advisor – Siria

WeWorld sta selezionando un/a Logistics Advisor da inserire nella sua operatività in Siria. Durata 6 mesi. Scadenza candidature 08/11/2021

Logistics Advisor – Siria

Location: Damascus, Syria

Type of contract: a first 3 (three) month collaboration contract subject to verification of the achievement of specific objectives (these objectives will be agreed together with the Country Representative upon arrival on assignment); a second collaboration contract of 3 (three) months, following the positive evaluation of the first three months of contract.

Deadline: 8/11/2021

Starting date: January 2022

Gross Salary: to be defined according to the candidate’s profile


WeWorld-GVC, recently constituted from the merger of two NGOs, is an Italian secular and independent organization working since 1971 in international cooperation and humanitarian aid. Present in 29 countries with 128 projects, WeWorld-GVC operates in the following areas of assistance: human rights (gender equality, prevention and combating violence against children and women, migration), humanitarian aid (prevention, emergency relief and rehabilitation), food security, access to water, health and hygiene, education, global citizenship education, quality teaching and international volunteering. WeWorld-GVC works mostly with girls, boys, women and youth, actors of change in every community for a fairer and more inclusive world. Supports people overcoming emergencies and guarantees a life with dignity, opportunities and a better future through human and economic development programs, in the framework of the 2030 Agenda. Joining the WeWorld-GVC team means being part of the development of a dynamic organization where the contribution of each staff member is promoted and valued, working together towards the collective achievement of shared goals and vision. At present, the main donors are Italy (AICS), the EU (DG ECHO), UNICEF, OCHA, UNHABITAT and Belgium (DGD).

Working context:

The presence of WeWorld-GVC in Syria dates back to 2011, providing humanitarian assistance to the Syrian population and IDPs through several interventions funded by multiple donors (ECHO, UN-OCHA, UNICEF, AICS – Italian cooperation Agency). WeWorld-GVC has focused its action in Aleppo, Rural Damascus and Deir-Ez-Zor HTR areas implementing Education and Wash interventions. Educational interventions, in line with INEE standards and the Back to School strategy, are aiming at strengthening the educational system promoting access to quality education through the creation of protective and inclusive learning spaces with disability and gender-sensitive Wash infrastructures, teacher training on active education and psychosocial support. The Wash projects have focused in increasing access to safe water for the vulnerable population, through the reparation of water and sanitation infrastructures, rehabilitation and equipment of filling points and the promotion of appropriate hygiene practices. WEWORLD-GVC is currently present in Syria with a coordination office in Damascus and two field offices operating in Aleppo and Deir-Ez-Zor.

WeWorld-GVC in Sirya

 Job description

WeWorld-GVC is recruiting a Logistics Advisor based in Damascus. She/He works under the direct responsibility of the Country Representative and under the technical management of the HQ Procurement Manager. She/He works in coordination with: The Logistic teams, the Finance and Administration Coordinator, Syrian Programs Coordinators and the Projects Managers. The Logistic Advisor will work on review and evaluate, analyze and report logistics and procurement structure for its human resources’ technical capacity, operational gaps/limitations, intra and inter departmental coordination and communication mechanism & gaps.  It will also review, evaluate, analyze and report logistics and procurement tools and documents for their alignment with organization’s procedures manuals and policies, compliance and control capacity and advise Country Representative an action plan  with the aim to of strengthen the Logistic Unit, enhance the internal and external performance and strengthen the presence in the Country.


  • Identify possible areas for improvement logistics operation, sync of logistics planning with mission and projects planning, inter department and external coordination and communication for enabling  logistics to become more effective operations and ensure high quality performance
  • Assess the structure, workload and ToRs of the log and Procurement unit and all the other department/collaborators who perform logistics activities
  • Review procurement process to gauge effectivity of compliance and evaluate controls for possible fraud and corruption risks towards logistics activities

Action plan:

Create, in collaboration with the Country Representative, the Logistic Coordinator and the Regional Procurement Managers an action plan for:

  • Prepare assessment report on logistics and procurement unit with identification of areas of improvement and development proposal
  • Driving Logistic unit success by providing excellent people leadership, expert guidance and the resources they need to conduct their work effectively
  • Providing necessary oversight, guidance and advice to support the Procurement team to ensure capability and capacity is in place to manage large contracts, strategic sourcing (international and local)
  • Providing Capacity building of the of line managers and staff with logistical responsibilities in line with internal and external guidelines
  • Supporting, through advice and direction, the existing and emerging logistics operations
  • strengthen the presence in the country for ensuring high level of collaboration with all the stakeholders (authorities, communities, vendors)
  • Strengthening regular communication and exchange of information between Logistics staff in Damascus and Field Logistics staff and other departments
  • Evaluating findings/comments and recommendations from Audit and advising corrective measures accordingly
  • Addressing any other weakness/grey areas detected during the assessment
  • Facilitate transfer of skills to appropriate logistics officers in implementing the logistic activities based on different threshold and areas
  • Facilitating the improvement of coordination role through technical working group, partners forum, quantification sub-committee and other core activities
  • Liaise closely where appropriate with Logistics Cluster, partner agencies, government and other relevant stakeholders to identify / leverage in-country common service opportunities where applicable
  • Driving Change where needed


  • Logistics Action Plan and Country Logistics strategy in collaboration with the Logistic Coordinator, Country Representative and Regional Procurement Managers
  • In collaboration with the Logistic Coordinator, carry out capacity development on specific supply chain interventions with measurable outcome as fallouts of assessments
  • facilitate transfer of skills to appropriate local staff
  • Work with national office staff to scale up and augment current procurement and Logistics capability and fast track local procurement to facilitate and meet immediate response needs.
  • Trainings for building technical expertise and ways of working to address practice and scale up and / or replicate good practice
  • Monitoring and follow up for trainings
  • Creation of Performance management processes for evaluating new/existing vendors and record information
  • Lead the system strengthening activities of logistics and supply chain management
  • monthly and ad-hoc reports

Other activities

  • Ensure strict application and respect of WeWorld-GVC and donors procurement procedures and guidelines
  • Support Logistic Coordinator in planning and managing the Procurement processes for high value procedures
  • Provide technical assistance for the development of tools or in developing or revising standard operating procedures
  • Collect and disseminate of good practise
  • Assess logistics intra and inter department reporting quality for accuracy, punctuality and effectivity and support logistics coordinator in deploying effective reporting structure.
  • Support Logistics Coordinator in preparing supplies/service provider data base and draft resource map for existing projects
  • Perform any other duties as assigned


Qualifications and Knowledge

  • Master or equivalent in Logistics / Procurement /Engineering
  • Deep understanding of the Syria context
  • Fluent in English essential

Professional experience

  • At least 5 years in humanitarian Logistics including previous experiences in a similar context
  • Strategic Planning experience with strong analytical skills
  • Representation experience with institutions and participation in coordination meetings
  • Extensive experience in logistics and/or security management and procedures

Personal skills

  • Leadership, planning, organization and teamwork skills
  • Proactive and dynamic attitude
  • Ability to adapt and work under constraint, under pressure and in complex and multicultural contexts
  • Interpersonal skills and intercultural approach
  • Good listening and communication skills
  • Good negotiation and conflict resolution skills
  • Strong commitment to the Mission of WeWorld-GVC, genuine interest for international cooperation development topics
  • Demonstrates integrity with regards to NGO values and ethical standards
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
  • Treats all people fairly without favouritism


  • Experience in large works contracts would be considered an asset
  • Previous work experiences in Syria
  • Knowledge of Arabic is an asset
  • Knowledge of Italian is an asset


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