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AICS – Team Leader settore salute – Sudan

AICS  – sede di Khartoum sta selezionando un/a Team Leader settore salute da inserire nella sua operatività in Sudan . Durata 12 mesi. Scadenza candidature 27/11/2022

AVVISO DI SELEZIONE – SUDAN – COOPERAZIONE DELEGATA – 1 Team Leader settore salute (Low 2) – 37/12113/2022

The Programme Coordinator implements the following tasks:

  • Lead the process of the implementation of the M&E plan, by monitoring programme activities, results and indicators, and managing regular capacity building workshops for team and partners.
  • Perform a regular revision of log frame, M&E, Communication and Risk Analysis plans, ensuring that gender and inclusivity are properly mainstreaming across the frames/plans;
  • Following up and monitoring the current grant contracts, approval of interim and final reports and preparing all the documents of the payments;
  • Liaise with EU Delegation regarding the implementation of the Action, in collaboration with AICS Khartoum and AICS Rome;
  • Ensure full coordination with Federal and States Ministry of Health MoH, Locality Health Authorities, Health Partners and Institutional Stakeholders;
  • Ensure full alignment of the intervention to Sudan National Health Policy, strategies and programs;
  • Formulate / implement the General Operational Plan of the program in close coordination with the Program Management Unit, in particular with the Program Legal/Administrative/Financial Manager and under the supervision of AICS Khartoum Head of Office;
  • Manage, in coordination with the Program Legal/Administrative/Financial Manager, the Budget of the Action following AICS Head of Office instructions and under the supervision of AICS Khartoum administrative Office;
  • Initiate technical activities as Operational Initiator;
  • Coordinate technical assistance activities (i.e. capacity building at community and institutional levels based on priorities of national counterparts);
  • Prepare the terms of reference (ToR) for the selection of technical experts for long and short missions;
  • Prepare technical specifications for grants, tenders and calls for proposal for services, works and supplies contracts in coordination with the Program Legal/Administrative/Financial Manager and Procurement officer;
  • Ensure systematic supervision on project implementation and report on intervention progress and challenges to AICS Head of Office and the Operational Verifier;
  • Monitor the technical and financial implementation of the awarded contracts;
  • Ensure the timely preparation of all technical reports (Annuals and final reports to be submitted to the EU Delegation), in close collaboration with the legal / administrative / financial Manager for the financial component;
  • Provide technical assistance during appraisal missions of external evaluators and of EU Commission representatives;
  • Provide assistance and facilitate internal and external Audits;
  • Promote communication and visibility activities, according to EU and AICS guidelines and the Agreement’s Communication Plan, under the supervision of AICS Khartoum Head of Office (ie. Media relations, organization of events and EU Delegation and / or other institutional visits);
  • Ensure coordination and synergies with all other Humanitarian and Development initiatives implemented by AICS and provide expertise for highest impact and results;
  • Perform any other activity required for the correct implementation of the Program.


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