E’ online da poche ore l’atteso bando EuropeAid “Non-State Actors and Local Authorities in Development: Raising public awareness of development issues and promoting development education in the European Union“. Tutte confermate le novità e le anticipazioni che nei mesi scorsi abbiamo condiviso qui sul blog. La dotazione finanziaria complessiva è di 35 milioni di euro. La scadenza per la presentazione dei concept note è fissata per il 30 gennaio 2014. Vediamo nel dettaglio i cinque lotti in cui è suddivisa la call for proposal.
LOT 1: Global Learning projects within the formal education system led by an NSA or an association of NSA from EU member states
LOT 2: Global Learning projects outside of the formal education system led by an NSA or an association of NSA from EU member states
LOT 3: Campaigning and Advocacy projects led by an NSA or an association of NSA from EU member states
LOT 4: Global Learning and Campaigning and advocacy projects led by an NSA or Association of NSA from an EU13 Member State10
LOT 5: Global Learning and Campaigning and advocacy projects led by a Local Authority or Association of local authorities
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