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Aggiornamento bandi EuropeAid (Febbraio 2016)

Torna l’aggiornamento sui bandi aperti presso EuropeAid suddivisi per programma. Si tratta in particolare di bandi aperti del programma dedicato alle Organizzazioni della società civile e alle Autorità locali. Vediamo nel dettaglio quali sono i bandi aperti alla data odierna con le relative scadenze.


Pubblicazione Scadenza Area Geografica Programma
17/02/2016 06/04/2016  Ghana NSA-LA
137873 – Capacity building of the Moldovan Agency for Intervention and Payment in Agriculture (AIPA) for the application of EU norms and standards for the administration of ARD support schemes
15/02/2016 18/04/2016  Moldova Neighbourhood
151093 – Inclusive and Sustainable Value Chains and Food Fortification
12/02/2016 29/03/2016  Miscellaneous Countries  Food Security
151225 – Civil Society Organisations and Local Authorities Development in Lao PDR
12/02/2016 31/03/2016  Laos NSA-LA
151117 – Scaling Up Nutrition Interventions at Community and District Levels in Zambia
04/02/2016 22/03/2016  Zambia NSA-LA
151085 – Supporting the most vulnerable and strengthening public oversight
03/02/2016 21/03/2016  Georgia Neighbourhood
137849 – System connecting and recommendations for further development of human resources management according to best EU practices (CRO HRM) (HR 14 IB FI 02)
02/02/2016 31/03/2016  Croatia PreAccession / New Member States
151102 – Civil Society Organisations and Local Authorities (CSO-LA), Egypt
02/02/2016 20/03/2016  Egypt NSA-LA
151080 – Enhancing Innovation and Growth in the Southern Neighbourhood
01/02/2016 18/03/2016  Mediterranean Region Neighbourhood
137832 – Preparation of the Code of Health in line with EU standards and the EU acquis
28/01/2016 14/03/2016  Moldova Neighbourhood
150877 – Instrumento Europeu para a Democracia e Direitos Humanos
27/01/2016 29/03/2016  Angola Human Rights
150658 – Poverty Reduction through Inclusive and Sustainable Markets (PRISM)
26/01/2016 29/03/2016  Bangladesh Asia & Central Asia
137823 – Further development of Competent Authorities’ control systems to protect the human, animal and plant health, (MK 12 IB AG 01)
25/01/2016 22/03/2016 FYROM PreAccession / New Member States
137820 – ‘Empowerment of the Role of Parliament in the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights by Strengthening the Administrative Capacity of Parliament’ (TR 14 IB JH 03)
25/01/2016 28/03/2016  Turkey PreAccession / New Member States
151143 – European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights Country Based Support Scheme (CBSS) Turkey Programme
22/01/2016 11/03/2016  Turkey Human Rights
137814 – Developing cooperation between higher education institutions, the private sector and relevant public bodies (MK 13 IB SO 01 R)
22/01/2016 04/03/2016 FYROM PreAccession / New Member States
150796 – Appui aux initiatives des mouvements citoyens dans la banlieue de Dakar
22/01/2016 07/03/2016  Senegal Africa, Caribbean and Pacific
137803 – Strengthening integrity of public sector (CRO INTEGRITY) (HR 12 IB OT 01)
20/01/2016 15/03/2016  Croatia PreAccession / New Member States
137797 – Strengthening the Victims’ Rights in Criminal Justice System (TR 14 IB JH 02)
15/01/2016 14/03/2016  Turkey PreAccession / New Member States
137796 – Enhancing the Capacities of both Chief Civil Administrators about Crowd Control and the Civil Inspectors about Effective Investigation (TR 14 IB JH 01)
15/01/2016 14/03/2016  Turkey PreAccession / New Member States
150699 – Marine biodiversity and forest governance (FLEGT/REDD+)
14/01/2016 08/03/2016  Multi Environment
150632 – Call for proposals for the implementation of the Rome Programme (Rabat process)
14/01/2016 02/03/2016  Miscellaneous Countries Migration
151033 – EaPIC Georgia – Capacity Building in Support of Border Management and Migration Management in Georgia
11/01/2016 26/02/2016  Georgia Neighbourhood



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